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Economic Transparency

If you are interested in our budget plan and what your ticket money goes to, this should give you a picture of our current calculations.  

To be frank: This is a low-budget production. The budget plan is very unexciting. It might change, which we will then communicate here and give you an update.  


In case of 20 players:  

With a ticket price of 20€, the budget will be at 400€. 200€ are reserved for food & snacks, 100€ for potential location fees and 100€ for props.  


In case of 30 players:  

With a ticket price of 20€, the budget will be at 600€. This ups the food budget to 300€, the location fees and prop budget remains the same. It gives us a comfortable buffer of 100€ to spend on either of these three areas.  


Cancelation fees:  

Since we are not refunding tickets that are canceled after the end of this year, there might be some extra funds. Those will be used to cover our own expenses through transportation etc., potentially help out players with lower budgets to afford either the ticket or accomodation and in case of surprising budget, we'll donate it to a cool organisation. This could be the LARPfund, our local animal shelter "Tierheim Oelzschau" or a local queer organisation RosaLinde e.V. 


About props & scenography:  

We are in the fortunate situation that this is not the first larp Poltergeist LARP is running, so we'll be able to reuse vast amounts of scenography. Hopefully we'll also be able to recycle some firewood aka wooden stuff that needs to be burnt anyway. Recycle & repurpose, witches! 


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