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Themes & Philosophy

Conflict & forgiveness

The coven has been scarred by old feuds and a thirst for revenge for too long. Only by making amends and forgiving each other, the coven can restore balance and survive. 

Connection & Family

The coven, ultimately, stands together. May it be in loss, in anger, in celebration or in simply holding each other through the challenges of life.  

Ecstasy & Passion

When the sun sets, old conflicts will be buried and the coven will dance and sing until the morning light!  

Co-creative Play 


As organisers, we will provide basic character concepts and a few plots for you to feast on during the game. However, we ask all our participants that you take a stake in this game and enrichen it with the stories YOU would like to tell. It doesn't have to be big plots - it can be small character interactions that you add to your background, personal dramas, and goals that your character might have. We ask you to add your personal touch to make the stories come alive and feel authentic - for that to happen, we will provide a platform for you to connect with other players, build relations and plan if you want to. 

On a related note, we expect our players to take responsibility for their own fun. This means that if you are not having fun, you have to take initiative to fix it: By changing your in-game course of action, by reaching out to other players or by coming to the organisers to find a solution. We cannot be everywhere, so we can't fix problems that we don't know are there. Please let us know if you are not enjoying the game and we will try to find a solution for it together with you. 

Play to Lift


The stage of this LARP is a shared one and as that needs a certain empathetic recognition of where your own bit of stage ends and that of another begins. We want our players to play each other up, highlight each others' characters' strong suits and thus be able to trust in each other to respect everyone's bit of stage. That way, we can tell the story together, rather than have it be a single-player-show.

Yes and & Bullshitting 


We aim to provide you with a basic setting, world, and mood that you can then use to plant your own ideas and stories into if you want to. This means that we won't be releasing a gapless world-building in which the workings and structures of this world are 100% set and explained - we would much rather leave room here and there for you to fill. That means that we expect all participants to accept each other's ideas and conform with a certain amount of "bullshitting" when gaps are being filled. Get used to saying "Yes, and" and weaving your own thoughts into an idea that someone else presents you with during the game. 

Play to Drama 


The stories we wish to tell are driven by narrative first, by logic second. This order is very important to us as we prefer a story to be beautifully told rather than for it to make 100% sense. That's why we would like our participants to let their in-game decisions be driven by the questions "What creates the most play?" and "What would be more dramatic?" if they are in doubt. Don't be afraid of overdoing it - experience shows that we more often hold cool ideas back rather than overdoing a scene. Just go for it and in return, don't judge other people's emotional scenes. We are all here to pretend, no such thing as pretending too much. 


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©2021 Poltergeist LARP

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