Once upon a time, humankind was led by wonderment and a sense of awe for that which they did not understand: The lurking shadows under their beds, the beauty of a strange song in the woods, a yearning for what's underneath the surface of the darkest lakes. And they longed to be tempted and led astray by it.
Once upon a time, humankind wanted to believe in a secret world in the corner of their eye. A world where thoughts dance in ecstasy and spin wildly off into the night. Where deals of sweet pleasure are struck in exchange for memories and hopes. In this world, we rule over the magic of human dreams and fears and therewith the very essence of their lives.
Once upon a time, their desire and their despair were ours to mold, but humanity has begun to awaken from this dream - and as they strive to explain the unknown, we grow weak and dim until we're nothing more than a flickering streetlight in the mists of human knowledge.

A Harvest Dance is a live-action roleplaying event in which all participants will be part of a mystical society of Fae that gather from different cultural regions in a traditional celebration of the unreal, the absurd, the beautiful and the terrifying. Fae society is not human and the concept of gender is bewildering and strange to them, therefore all characters will be written and played without gender. It is an event that focuses on exploring European folklore and human beliefs up to the middle of the 19th century - and the shift that humanity experiences in these times. A shift from blind superstition to questioning, from story to fact, at the wake of science and a strive for knowledge - and the impact it has on the creatures behind the legends and tales that are slowly being replaced.
At A Harvest Dance, different Fae kin assemble in a traditional celebration of their existence and might over the human imagination. With humankind struggling their way out of superstition's grip, the Fae folk must find a way to restore their influence - or cease to exist. For sense and reason are what ends the magic of stories and with it, the era of the Fae.
So let us gather - may it be to spark another period of dreaming or to dance one last time until the morning's cruel light.
Let us gather to harvest what is left of fairytales and stories.

Practical Info
Run 3 – October 8th to 11th 2022
Run 4 – October 13th to 16th 2022
Sign Up opens: January 8th 2022
Location: Haus Schnede, South of Hamburg, Germany - Link
Full Address: Haus Schnede, Schnede 3, 21376 Salzhausen, Germany
60 participants (excl. Crew)
Must be above the age of 18.
Must be vaccinated against or officially recovered from Covid-19.
Language: The game will be played in English.
Regular Ticket - 300€
Community Ticket - 350€
Reduced Ticket - 200€