Frequently Asked Questions

We will try to gather frequently asked questions and their answers here - please take a look before you write us an email with your question. The answer might already be waiting here!

When do I have to be onsite and when do we leave?
On Day 1 around noon. The workshops will start at 1.30pm, the check in will be possible from 12pm (noon) on. You cannot arrive a day earlier. The game ends on Day 3 late in the evening, followed by an afterparty. That means you may leave as early as you want on Day 4 but latest after breakfast at 10. We ask you to be out by 1pm as we need to clean up the place and, between the runs, need the time and quiet to recuperate.
I signed up for the waiting list. How does it work?
The waiting list is a pool that we draw from at random whenever a spot becomes available. Because of the different runs and different availability of players and who they sign up with, it is simply the way we decided to do it because it's easiest for us. So you don't have a place or a number on the list, we just write you when a spot opens up and you are drawn. :)
We do not send out confirmations because you should already be receiving an automatic confirmation when filling out the google form. If you receive that, you are on our list. Please remember to regularly check your spam folders for emails because larp emails often end up there.
Will there be vegetarian / vegan food available?
Yes. The entire meal plan will be vegan.
Can I bring my own food?
You can bring your own snacks, for sure. They do not have to be vegan (we will be happy if you don't bring any meat to our events though). If you have medical needs around food, you can tell us in the practical form after sign up is done and we'll figure out with you what you should bring yourself and what the catering can provide. In that case, you are welcome to bring your own food and will be provided with a small kitchen and some fridge space to store and prepare your food. It is not available to people who don't have medical needs though.
Can I bring my own drinks?
Yes! You will also be able to purchase beer in the offgame evenings from us but you should feel very welcome to bring your own! Please bear in mind though that alcohol will not be allowed during playtimes.
You will have access to coffee, tea and water at all times, as well as juice during meal times.
Trolololol, so I can't drink alcohol during the game but can I smoke magical herbs?
No, you silly frog. If we catch you in the clouds durnig game time, we'll put you in a time-out and potentially expell you from the event. Regarding offgame times, we will refer to the German law which we are bound by.
Can I participate as a person who is not non-binary?
Yes. All people of all genders and identities can sign up for this larp. While the characters will be specifically genderless, you as a player don't have to be.
Can I come as crew / helper / NPC?
We will not be using any crew beyond our existing team, nor npcs. Unfortunately that would drive up the budget considerably and we are trying to keep it as low as possible. Consider applying for a reduced ticket if you want to come but are on a tight budget!
My costume is huge, what measurements are the doors of the venue?
The doors between the main rooms of the location (which are the slimmest as far as we could tell) are roughly 80 cm wide and around 2,2 m high.
How do I get to the venue?
The next biggest city is Hamburg, we are approximately 40km south of it. We strongly suggest carpooling from there and will do our best to help you with it.
You can also take the train to Bahnhof Lüneburg - from there, you can take the bus line 5200 towards Salzhausen. It is a 38 minute drive that goes roughly once every hour. From there on, you can either take a cab to Haus Schnede or check if someone could pick you up.
We can also help you facilitate a cab ride. It is 100€ per way between Schnede and Hamburg and up to 6 people can share one cab. We will include this in the preplanning on our Discord server, so please check with us there. If you need a cab FROM Schnede to Hamburg (so only the way back), you NEED to let us know because they need to be pre-ordered.
Is the terrain suitable for complicated foot wear, e.g. high heels?
Inside, it should be perfectly fine. Outside might be trickier, since there is park and forest and tiny woodland nature stuff and those tend to be the death of heels.
Is there wifi on location?
There is but it's terrible. No, you cannot have a zoom call in it. We ask that you use it as little as possible because we actually need it to run the game in the organiser basement and the less people use it, the better. But of course, you can check messages with it, just please don't rely on it - it's not that good.
May I swim in the lake?
No, you may not. It belongs to people who don't like when we do that.
Are there animals around and can we pet them?
There are sadly no animals around apart from said lake that may contain fish. We are, however, not allowed IN the lake as it doesn't strictly belong to Haus Schnede. Also, it'll be October and way too cold anyway. ;) There are also horses closeby. Leave them be, they don't want to be pet by random nerds with scary horns.
Are there instruments on location?
YES, there is a piano in the main hall and it can be played! It sounds beautiful! The orga might have some more instruments in the basement, feel free to ask!
Are there bunkbeds?
There are no bunkbeds.
Game Play, Costume & Design
Why do we only start playing in the morning on day 2 rather than on day 1?
There is severall reasons for that. On the one hand, we reckon that costumes might be somewhat extravagant and complicated to put on for some people due to the Fae background - we don't want you to go through all that effort for maybe 3 hours play time.
On the other hand, we don't want to forget that we larp to meet new people. Often, we don't really have time to get to know the real people behind the characters we're playing with - so we want to facilitate all of us getting to meet each other properly before we start to play pretend for 2 days.
Will there be a ball and will there be dancing?
Yes and yes. We will have some kind of opt-in dance workshopping as well but freestyle dancing is also welcome. We just want you and your character to express yourself in the way you feel fitting, we don't worry too much about time appropriate dancing.
Will we go outside for play?
Yes, there will be play inside and outside. Since the house is big but not a, let's say, Polish castle kind of big, we will use the outdoor area as well. Also for big scenes that we encourage you to be part of (but we generally won't force you to do anything, this is a free country :P )
So please bring warm clothing for late October weather. There may be rain and wind, there may also be beautiful sunshine and autumn leaves. Prepare for both please :)
Can I order props or plot items with the organisers to use on location?
As a rule, no. We don't have the capacity to make a "plot to go" concept where you can order plots or props with us - we are a small orga team and don't have the ressources to fulfil all wishes. However, you can always ASK us because maybe we have something similar already planned or we can reuse something from another run etc.pp. - and if we really can't make or procure it for you, maybe we can give you some advice on how to build it yourself. Send us an email for any prop related questions!
Can I use bruise make up as part of my costume or is it a trigger we want to avoid?
Bruises, scars and wounds are not a problem. We announced physical abuse as a part of this larp's themes, so we expect it to be ok. We would like to avoid very obvious self-harm marks though, if you want to play on self-harm, please do it in the moment and preferably in a way that's easy to opt into or out of. (meaning, it's a situation that anyone can choose to enter OR at least choose to leave freely without ingame consequences)
Is it okay if my costume is representing a certain gender, despite the characters being agender? Does my costume have to be genderneutral?
Short answer: It is perfectly okay to have a costume that is not genderneutral. Else everyone will have to wear oversized hoodies and that's not very Victorian. (Yes, we think this comment is hilarious.)
Jokes aside: Agender is not androgynous. Agender personalities and aesthetics are free of gender expectation aka: You can do whatever the fuck you want. We encourage you to wear whatever a) feels comfortable to you and b) represents the character, detached from traditional gender-coding. If this, to you, means, full on dress and bows and glitter or a dresssuit split in the middle or a potato sack is ENTIRELY up to you and we're so excited to see whatever you'll come up with. We truly are. Agender characters mean we can stop giving a shit and wear whatever we want. Have fun with that sentiment. <3
Can I be barefoot during the larp?
Listen, you are an adult. You can do whatever you want.
However. Here comes the collective parental instinct of the orga.
We will play in October. We will play outside, to some degree. Many of us are not used to walking barefoot (and as a person who has actually done this for years, trust me, it takes getting used to.) It might be a non-excellent idea depending on whether, the ground, your body. Larps can be stressful, mentally and physically. If you do decide to be barefoot during the larp, we URGE you to bring some kind of footwear that you can put on, worst case.
Yes, bare feet are SO fae, it hurts. But maybe there is alternatives that might work? What about those funky ninja toe shoes? at least wear sandals? Entirely up to you, we are not judging or telling you no. We are just worried, okay.