Is this Larp for me?

Here we want to give you an overview of what we plan to do with this event and what content we are planning for.
We ask you to take a careful look at the below listed items and judge for yourself whether this is an event you'd enjoy - or not.
What to expect
A mystical society of Fae with room for your own interpretations
A ball and social play with a focus on personal relations and stories
A pre-written character with relations and an assigned primary group
You are encouraged to make relations of your own as well.
All characters will be genderless. This LARP will not play on genders, all characters will use the pronouns “they/them”
A mix of Organiser & player-driven plot and play
We encourage co-creativity and players telling stories on their own initiative as well as providing plot ourselves
Emotionally tough plots and play, as well as dark play themes and cruelty
This may include consensual play on abuse, emotional & physical violence and inhumane moral standards. It may also include shouting and aggressive body language.
This also means we ask you to separate your offgame morale from the game content. Fae are awful creatures and we want to feel that in the game.
Opt-in play on sex and sexual relations through a mechanic as well as flirting and romance
Partial nudity
We expect all genitals to be covered during the game for reasons of hygiene and emotional comfort but it will be perfectly alright to be topless. We don't care what your top looks like, if you feel empowered or in character showing it, you may. Just remember that it gets cold in October.
Workshops on game rules & themes, safety mechanics, relations and dancing
An afterparty with a dance floor
To be photographed during the game
You can of course ask the photographer not to be. But we cannot guarantee it.

What not to expect
A clear set of rules on how to play on Fae magic
Classical Fae courts or an intricately built Fae society
We of course provide background on the world and setting we play in (in this document and your characters) - but it is up to you to fill gaps, rather than to point them out.
Any play on sexual harrassment / abuse
Play to win
A focus on action and physical fighting
A happy ending in the game
Workshopping on the lore of this larp
You'll be required to read or listen to it beforehand. We will also hopefully be able to offer an online Q&A before the events on Discord!

Here are some check boxes and pointers for you regarding frequently brought up topics:
You will share a room with 1-4 other people. We try to make roommate requests possible but cannot guarantee it. You cannot be alone in a room and you need to be okay sharing a room with up to 4 other people, space- and noisewise. We have more quiet rooms in the side building. Rooms in the main building may be subject to music from the ball room until midnight on Day 1 & 2 and until 5am on Day 3 (the afterparty.) We'll do our best to put you in a quiet room if you need it but this is a larp and total silence is not a thing anywhere - we simply cannot guarantee it. :)
Each room has their own sink and most rooms have their own showers and toilets as well. A few rooms share it with other rooms, mostly in the more quiet side building.
Some beds are so called "extra beds" meaning they don't have great bedframes. The mattresses are decent but as it is with mattresses, everyone has their own opinion on them and we cannot tell you if they'd be comfortable for you or not. It's a wedding location used to catering guests but it's not a 5 star hotel, so there will probably be people who do not like the beds. ;)
All bedrooms will be offgame.

Event schedule
You will receive a more detailed event schedule closer to the game.
We will spend one day workshopping and getting to know each other and 2 days playing. The last night will be used for an offgame afterparty and optional debriefing. The game starts on Day 2 around 11am and again on Day 3 around 10am. There are no more orga driven plots after midnight but players are allowed to play small private scenes still. We highly encourage people to go to bed though - it is not "badass" to survive a larp on 3 hours of sleep only, mostly, it's unkind to your own body. ;) <3
You will not be permitted to drink during play time or the workshops. If you have had alcohol, you are not allowed to be in the game and will be asked to stay in your room.
You may drink responsibly during the offgame evenings but we retain the right to tell you to go to your room and not return until you're sober if we notice that you have had too much to drink and cannot behave responsibly anymore. Please don't make us do this, be mindful of your own limits :)
The venue does not sell alcohol, you have to bring it yourself. We will have some beer available to purchase from us for a low price but nothing beyond that, sadly. So if you want something other than beer, bring it! There are glasses at the venue for us to use. :)
The location is not suited for people with mobility disabilities. There small sets of stairs to enter the location. Sleeping rooms are either on the first or second floor of the main building or 20m away in the side building on the ground floor or first floor. An elevator does not exist.
We are providing audio versions of both the Design document and characters (the latter on request). We provide important and long emails as audio versions if we have the capacity. If requested, we'll do it for sure, so talk to us if this is relevant to you.
Food & drinks
All food will be vegan. If you have special dietary needs, you can let us know at a later point after sign up and we will find out together with you whether we can cater to them or whether you have to supplement your own food. You will not receive money back if you cannot eat the provided food. Access to a small kitchen is available to those who medically need it. Anyone may bring their own snacks and food and it doesn't have to be vegan for yourself (but if you are not medically obliged to, you will not receive fridge space. That is reserved for people who need it. :) )
You will receive 8 full meals provided by the location's catering: One on Thursday evening, three on Friday and Saturday and breakfast on Sunday before departure.
Talking from the experience of previous runs, we can say that the food was heaven on earth, well prepared and very filling. The location makes all food themselves from scratch with as local ingredients as possible.
Breakfast will be offgame on all days. Lunch on Day 2 and 3 will be ingame, as will be dinner on Day 2. Dinner on Day 3 will happen after the time-out.
There will always be access to water, tea and coffee. During meal times, there will also be juice.

You will be allowed to smoke ingame. It will be generally allowed on one half of the grande terrace (away from the entrance to the ballroom though), otherwise you are required to check with the people present first if you may smoke or not. Smoking is a valid atmospheric component of the 19th century and we don't want to force smokers to go offgame each time they want a smoke. It is okay not to step into the smoking area, of course. But if you mind people smoking during the game, this larp may not be for you as a lot of play happens on the terrace and generally outside.