The Unseen
Scandinavian Folklore
We are the shadow you see in the corner of your eye and the flicker that lurks beneath the bridge. We are the judgement waiting to be passed, as we watch the ways of the world unfold.
Our will is iron and nothing will stop us as we pave the way for nature to take its course. We are the mystery and the secrets human kind only whispers about in stunned awe - for our stories are as old as nature itself and our roots grow deep and steady.

The Unseen are, for the most part, ancient nature spirits that have their origins in the dark and mystical tales of the North. They are marked by a certain grimness, forged by icy winds and long winter nights.
Often, The Unseen are the ones to hide in plain sight as the distinct tree or the small stone cluster that seems to have shifted slighty since you last saw it. They blend in just enough to remain unnoticed by the unsuspecting eye, yet they are always there, always watching.
All Unseen share a longing for balance, though their respective understanding of it might vary. Nature and its laws are treasured and followed above all else.
It is strange sense of connection the Unseen have to each other as they rarely meet as a whole Kin - yet they seem to have an unspoken feeling of belonging to one another like an invisible thread is holding them together, at a distance. Usually, they will stick to their close connections and avoid big gatherings. After all, there is no need to stir up any unwanted dramatics.
There are no leaders amongst the Unseen. When the time comes and the Kinfolk gather for the Harvest Dance, they let Nature choose the ones worthy to step into the light and represent their Kin at the Dance.
Most Unseen view the mortals as a necessary evil that needs to be reigned in once in a while, like an unruly child. They don't appreciate humankind stomping into their forests, harvesting their trees and uncovering the secrets of the quiet woods. The Unseen are not cruel out of a need for entertainment but they tend to pass harsh judgement on those mortals that stray too far off the paths they have so painfully cut into the forests of their world.