The Kin
Desperate to know what your Kin would be?
Fae around the world typically exist in clusters, groups of often likeminded individuals in regards to their folkloristic origins - mortals of different places tell different stories. Depending on that the Fae are, to varying extents,
drawn to each other in so-called Kin.
Not all Kin are structured in the same way, they vary a lot depending on the values and characteristics they represent.
Some may have a leader - some choose a new leader frequently -, some find themselves in a constant fight for leadership. Some may choose to remain without a leader for various reasons.
The different Kin are as vastly different as the mortals that created them. What they share is a dependence on mortal imagination and ambition to inspire it - with whatever means they deem fit.

Complex relations over simple rivalry
The Kin are not, as a rule, enemies or in rivalry. Individuals from different Kin, of course, can be but in general, it isn't common that entire Kin wage feuds with each other. That would require a common interest of the whole Kin to play politics and usually Fae get bored too quickly to play the games of war. Of course, some Kin are more prone to getting along than others due to their nature, but there is generally a bigger focus on personal feuds than Kinwide ones.
The Foundling among Fae
It is also common for Kin to have a few Foundling amongst them. Different Kin treat their Foundlings differently and with varying levels of appreciation or resentment - but it is common in all Fae Kin that once in a while, someone will deem it a good idea to toy with a mortal child and bring them home to the Kin's realm. And every so often that child grows up to survive amongst the Bizarre and become Fae themselves, in a way. They are, sometimes begrudgingly, part of their Kin and part of the Fae society.

Grammar note: One Kin. Many Kin. Stays the same. Same with the Foundling