Process & Payment

How does the sign up work?
If you want to attend, you get to enroll in a simple ticket lottery that will stay open for 2 weeks.
This is also where we will ask you about the ticket type you intend to purchase. You will be asked to provide a few motivational sentences if you want to apply for a Reduced Ticket.
Stating you want to buy a Community Ticket will not automatically guarantee that you get a spot - we are happy and grateful that you have the intention but naturally, it won't give you a preferred status.
It wouldn't seem fair.
Afterwards, we will inform you whether you got a spot on the participant list or whether we had to put you on the waiting list.
Please note that we don't know how big the interest for this LARP will be - we of course hope to give everyone that signs up a spot but there is only so much space in Fairyland, sadly.

To ensure participant safety, we will send out a list with all participants' & waiting list spots' full names to everyone who got a spot and a chance to speak up about safety issues or personal requests to not play with a certain person on the list directly. We will handle these cases discretly and with care and experience. It also means that in appropriate cases, we retain the right to remove people from the participants list if we deem it necessary for the event's safety. It is important to us to believe victims, yet we also do not blindly ban anyone from our events. There will be conversations if this issue arises and we'll figure out how to handle it together.
Should this occur, we will contact people from the waiting list to fill the spots.
After all this is sorted, we will ask for your payment and provide you with the necessary details. You'll also receive access to our Discord channel for all participants!
Next, we will send out a form asking for practical info and your casting preferences, so we can then assign everyone a character. We estimate that you get your character in April as we need to do some rewriting on them first.
Room arrangements will be done as close to the larp as possible to account for spontaneous changes in the participants list.

Payment will be possible via Paypal. If paypal is not possible for you, there is the option to pay via bank transfer to a German account.
Since we are in the process of switching banks, we strongly prefer paypal if you have the option. If not let us know and you'll get the bank details
We are at the same time founding our new organisation, so payment is happening a little bit later this time - but therefore in only two installments. Weaim to be able to send out payment details to you in late February, so be ready!
We offer payment in two rates, but you are of course always welcome and encouraged to pay the full ticket price or a higher rate at an earlier point of time if you can. These are our minimum deadlines:

If you fail to meet them, the orga team reserves the right to exclude you from the event - this is to say, please reach out to us and communicate if you have troubles in good time. If we don't hear from you, we cannot help you.
Please note that we will have to be stricter on those deadlines this time, since we ask for payment much later than for the last two events (due later announcment, bankswitch, etc, …) Please make our work easier and pay in time, so the Budget Fae doesn't have to send angry butterflies!
Refund Policy
In case you need to cancel your participation for the event, we will of course try to fill your spot with people from the waiting list.
But experience shows that the closer we get to the event the less likely it is we can find a fully paying participant.
The following refund rules apply (minus potential bank fees - if refund goes to an account outside Germany or to non-Euro PayPal)

Cancellation prodecure in case of covid-19
Yes hello, Corona will probably not go away in 2022. However, we are of course very hopeful that we'll be able to safely run the events. We do want to be transparent about how much money you will get back in case the larps have to be cancelled due to Corona. We need you to read the next part and agree to it before you sign up to our larps - it's the only way we can organise these events right now with the financial risks that come with it. There are downed payments for the location involved that we won't get back in most cases. We are not an established organisation that has any kind of financial buffer to fall back on.
As a rule, you will receive a refund according to our general refund policy. Meaning that if we e.g. have to cancel the larps on the date 31.06.2022, you will receive 150€ back, everything on top we will try to make happen but we can't guarantee it.
If the country goes into another governmentally issued lockdown, we will likely be able to get most of our money back and repay you a full or almost full ticket.